So many time some friends, have recommended to go to this restaurant: The Mas Provencal, in the little and suggestive village named Eze.
So this time we decided to try it! When we arrive, we immediately fall in love with the place: as you can see by the photos the restaurant seems a little cave whose internal is covered by a rich vegetation. By the ceiling, around the tables, on the chandeliers: there are colorful flowers everywhere, it seems an enchanted forest!!!!
As background music there was a man playing live jazz music.
When we set the menù just arrive as you can see it into a pic!!! They started by serving as some crudités, many different sausages and hot bread.
Every single thing we choose from the menù was really delicious, and the risotto was into a empty casing of the parmesan cheese, amazing!!!
At the end of the dinner, after the dessert they brought us a plant in whose flowers were content some delicious dates!
But I will not bore you with more words, this pictures speak themselves!!!
Moltissime volte alcuni amici ci avevano raccomandato di andare in questo ristorante: The Mas Provencal, nel piccolo e suggestivo villaggio di Eze.
Così questa volta abbiamo deciso di provarlo! Quando siamo arrivati, ci siamo immediatamente innamorati del posto: come potete vedere dalle foto il ristorante sembra una piccola caverna il cui interno è ricoperto da una ricca vegetazione. Dal soffito, attorno ai tavoli, sui lampadari: ci sono coloratissimi fiori ovunque, sembra una foresta incantata!!!!
Come sottofondo musicale c'era un uomo che suonava musica jazz dal vivo.
Quando ci siamo seduti il menù ci è stato portato così come lo vedete in una delle fotografie!!! Hanno iniziato a servirci alcune crudités, molte salsette differenti e pane caldo.
Ogni singola cosa che abbiamo scelto dal menù era squisita, e il risotto era contenuto nella scorza svuotata del parmigiano, grandioso!!!
Alla fine della cena, dolo il dolce ci hanno portato una pianta nei cui fiori c'erano dei datteri deliziosi!
Ma non voglio annoiarvi con altre parole, queste foto parlano da sole!!!

I was wearing:
Sportstaff top
Elisabetta Franchi - Celyn B leather pants
Ferragamo belt
shoes from the "KG"shop of London
Fendi pendant
Chanel bag
45 commenti
You look fabulous and beautifully dressed for a nice dinner at a beautiful garden-like setting!
Nice place baby and nice pants.. I'm following your blog, follow me too ;) xoxo
che meraviglia!!!
RispondiEliminabuon venerdì!
Fantastic place and your outfit is perfect to dinner. Kisses
RispondiEliminaTank top my butterfly in:
You look so pretty, love the outfit!
RispondiEliminaBellissimo questo oufit!!!!!
RispondiEliminaun bacio. elena :)
RispondiEliminaTi auguro buone vacanze con il mio ultimo post
Bell'outfit, molto semplice e chic... ;)
RispondiEliminapassa da me se ti va!
Che posto carino con tutte quelle lucette!
What a lovely place !
bellissimo post!
RispondiEliminaGiveaway on my blog!
Nice photo:) I added you to favorites. Beautiful girl. I really like your blog!
RispondiEliminaVery nice outfit!
It seems a fantastic place! I loved to know!
RispondiEliminaYou were beautiful, I love your look!
Have a special day!
Really cute photos!
RispondiEliminaDo You Speak Gossip?
Very lovely place !!
RispondiEliminaThis place looks amazing! And you look beautiful, as always.
RispondiElimina*___* meraviglioso! bellissime foto, specie le ultime!! quante luci!!
RispondiEliminaCool ;>
This place seems so so pretty! you look great!! I love the monochrome pairing..and the accessories as well :)
RispondiEliminaI really want to go there some day, the place look amazing and you look gorgeous too! xx Joice
RispondiEliminasuch a beautiful restaurant!
RispondiEliminathat place looks amazing! and i really love your shoes too
Great place! Amazing decoration they got going there.
love your outfit and of course this place!!
RispondiEliminais so fabulous and beautiful place!. nice pictures.
ohh amazing look, lovely pants and well combined¡¡
RispondiEliminavery cute place¡¡
kisses xx
What a nice pictures! the place looks very cool. Thanks for your lovely comment :).
Fabulous outfit! Love it! Have a great weekend!
RispondiEliminabeautiful! :) what a nice place!
Questo posto è meraviglioso!!!!!!!!!! E anche il tuo outfit ;) Un bacio, Serena
RispondiEliminaque tal va el veranooo?
Me encanta el bolsitooo!
sorpresaaaa! =D
un besoooo
Non so se leggerai questo hai circa 33 da volevo dirti che ti ho appena scoperto nella blogosfera e mi piaci molto! Complimenti per il blog!
RispondiEliminaTi seguo e ti aspetto per una visitina sul mio , baci Andy
I love restaurants like these because they look comfy and warm. Very nice pictures! :)
RispondiEliminaNice place and nice outfit!
Hola :) I'm a follower already ;)
RispondiEliminaxoxo, see you soon !!
Lovely photos!
RispondiEliminaThank you for the lovely comment.
Carmen Ri.
A wonderfull place!! you look great!! xoxo
RispondiEliminaOMG, this restaurant is a wonderful place! I can be there! On last pictures... there is so good atmosphere.. i like it!
Love the top and the shoes! you look amazing!
I love your outfit, it's so gorgeous!
RispondiEliminaNice blog as well :)
xoxo Robine @
Very sexy, love the bag!
It's a amazing place. :)
RispondiEliminaThanks for visiting my blog, I hope You will follow ;)
RispondiEliminaThis restaurant looks fantastic, really unique atmosphere. I have to admit that becouse of delicious italian food I gained 3 kilos lately ;) It's too good :D
I admire that You are so slim among so many temptations ;P
I'm so curios to read your opinion, thank you for sharing!