Just come back from Rome for the VFNO, such a funny experience! In the city centre everything was open, every shop was showing his advertisement campaign or is new collection; every brand has organized a cool cockail party, some boutiques has a VIP guest to improve their visibility in a night full of great initiatives and with so many cool people.
So this was my outfit: a gaudy blue bandage dress, a big and so romantic bow to keep in order my hair and the protagonist of the outfit, the Chanel gift I promise to wear: my new clutch!
Appena tornata da Roma per la VFNO, un'esperienza davvero divertente! Nel centro della città era tutto aperto, ogni negozio mostrava la sua nuova campagna pubblicitaria o la sua collezione, ogni marchio ha organizzato un cocktail party, alcune boutiques avevano un ospite VIP per aumentare la lori visibilità in una notte piena di grandi iniziative e con tantissime belle persone.
Questo era il mio outfit: un vestitino bandage blu sgargiante, un grande e romantico fiocco per tenere in ordine i miei capelli e la protagonista dell'outfit, il regalo Chanel che avevo promesso di indossare: la mia nuova clutch!
I started the VFNO with the boutique that in my opinion has organized best the event: Fendi. Every room of the Fendi's palace was prepared with many paintings showing same clothes of the new collection, there was a pretty dj set, a good cocktail party and many beautiful models wearing some exceptional winter clothes.
Ho iniziato la VFNO con la boutique che secondo me ha organizzato meglio l'evento: Fendi. Ogni stanza di Palazzo Fendi era allestita con molti dipinti che mostravano abiti della nuova collezione, c'era un bel dj set, un buon cocktail party e molte bellissime modelle che indossavano alcuni eccezionali vestiti invernali.
After that I met a roman friend of my, whose moter's jewelry was full of with fantastic cakes like this one!
Subito dopo ho incontrato un mio amico romano, la gioielleria di sua madre era stata allestita con delle fantastiche torte come questa!
Then I went to Elisabetta Franhi - Celyn B, where I was invited to see the new collection, that in my opinion is simply fantastic! The dominant element is the fur insert, so chic and elegant!
Poi sono andata da Elisabetta Franchi - Celyn B, dove ero stata invitata a visionare la nuova collezione, che secondo me è semplicemente fantastica! L'elemento dominante è l'inserto di pelle, così chic e elegante!

After Luca and I came to see some other shop in via Frattina, like List, Max Mara, Penny Black, Patrizia Pepe, Manila Grace, Gente, Pinko, Marella, Persona; after that we went to via del Babuino to take a look at Chanel, selling three nail polish in limited edition, Tory Burch, Red Valentino, Eleonora, Etro, Mattioli, Costume National, Mac, Tiffany and Co., and Miu Miu introducing four adorable minibag, whit a fantastic design but really too smal!
Poi io e Luca siamo andati a vedere alcuni altri negozi in via Frattina, come List, Max Mara, Penny Black, Patrizia Pepe, Manila Grace,Gente, Pinko, Marella, Persona; abbiamo proseguito per via del Babbuino per dare uno sguardo a Chanel, che vendeva tre smalti in edizione limitata, Tory Burch, Red Valentino, Eleonora, Etro, Mattioli, Costume National, Mac, Tiffany and Co., and Miu Miu che lanciava quattro adorabili mini borse, con un design fantastico ma davvero troppo piccole!!

We finish our night with a walk in via dei Condotti: three wonderful models by Dior showed their fantastic dresses; Gucci, too much crowded, Bulgari, Louis Vuitton, Valentino, Celine, Stuart Weitzman, Alberta Ferretti, Jimmy Choo introducing his new shoes collection, Salvatore Ferragamo, La Perla that used real people in the shop's window as dummies, Prada.
Abbiamo finito la nostra serata con una passeggiata i Via Condotti: tre bellissime modelle di Dior mostravano i loro fantastici vestiti; Gucci, troppo affollato, Bulgari, Louis Vuitton, Valentino, Celine, Stuart weitzman, Alberta Ferretti, Jimmy Choo che presentava la sua nuova collezione di scarpe, Salvatore Ferragamo, La Perla che ha usato persone vere come manichini nella vetrina del negozio, Prada.

I was wearing:
H&M stretch dress
H&M heels
Chanel earrings
H&M bangle
Chanel clutch
133 commenti
Fabrizia, I'm so glad for you!!it must be amazing to take part in a such an event. I love how you kept the outfit simple and qualitative- the dress is very sassy, and the black accessories complete it naturally. The Chanel bag is such a bless:X kisses:***
RispondiEliminaI love this dress. You are beautiful girl.
RispondiEliminaXoxoxox from belgrade !
You looks like a model! I love Your face and smile, You are fantastic! Very pretty! :)
RispondiEliminaBellissime foto! mi è dispiaciuto molto non poter partecipare alla serata...tu sei veramente bella con questo outfit!
RispondiEliminaThe Side of Unconscious
I adored this dress! And I love blue!
RispondiEliminaA great weekend! xoxo
Il vestito è semplicissimo e per questo uno dei miei preferiti!!
You look perfect, very elegant.
No Es Trivial
bellissima! la clutch è irresistibile!
RispondiEliminanew post on my blog:I'm waiting for u!
have a great day!
This blue looks perfect on you!
RispondiEliminaYesterday we had as well FNO in Athens! Cjeck my blog later if you like ;)
Very nice shoes :)
RispondiEliminaQue fotos lindas, adorei, seu blog é maravilhoso, já estou seguindo!Flor obrigada por sua visita no meu cantinho Rosa Chock, tem post novo lá :http://tudorosachok.blogspot.com/2011/09/resultado-do-sorteio-em-parceria-com.html
RispondiEliminaDesejo um final de semana recheado de alegria pra você.
Oh how gorgeous!
RispondiEliminaBlue is definitely your color :) Great outfit!
you look gorgeous in that dress! So lucky to be in VFNO :)
RispondiEliminabeauty :)
RispondiEliminacute dress - love the color and the head bow hair detail
guapisima = bellisima.
Bello l'outfit che hai scelto, anche se non mi convince il cerchietto con il fiocco!!!
RispondiEliminaHi Fabrizia, sono felice per la tua chanel. Dopo aver letto il tuo post , ho pensato" e i suoi piedi a fine serata?" ma non importa le scarpe sono troppo belle.
love rome:) nice dress
What a GREAT dress color! Love it.
RispondiEliminaThe shoes look good too, and I love the headband, so Blaire Waldorf. ;)
Great job ;)
Fabulous as always :)))
RispondiEliminaYou are very pretty.
RispondiEliminaLove the clutch!
RispondiEliminaThat blue dress is amazing ;)
RispondiEliminabelllissime foto :)
RispondiEliminae complimenti per la clutch...fantastica
Nossa que legal adorei...
RispondiEliminaQue bolo lindo rs
Like your blue dress! Gorgeous! :D
RispondiEliminaBellissima clutch!!!
nuovo post su Marc Jacobs
You look fabulous! This blue color really complements your tanned skin!
I am sooo glad you had fun in FNO, mine was terrible but funny in a way! thanks for visiting my blog!! I am happy that we follow each other cause that way we can keep in touch!
RispondiEliminaby the way your outfit was spectacular!! and that tan of yours is wonderful!! xx Farah
I love your shoes!!
RispondiEliminathank's:) i follow you!
RispondiEliminaMa tutte quelle modelle che indossavano abiti invernali e quindi pesanti.... non si sono sentite male dal caldo tutta la notte?
RispondiEliminap.s.: Louis Vuitton, non Luis. ;)
lindo o seu look,
Love the outfit! The bow is so bold and brilliant!
This looks like so much fun...You look great as well. Look out for my FNO and FW in NYC.
RispondiEliminaPiksty :-)
love your dress!it´s perfect!!=)
Sounds fabulous!
RispondiEliminaYou look amazing too! :) So pretty!
nice dress :)
RispondiEliminaYou look fab!!!Kisses!!
RispondiEliminaReally beautiful outfit, lovely headband dear ! :)
Stunning rim! You got a very sweet and flirty! Bravo!
Cute headband!! And that Chanel clutch??? WOW! <3
RispondiEliminau have stunning outfit! :)
RispondiEliminaI'm yealous! These pics are so cute, and I love your outfit!!!;)
RispondiEliminaBeautiful color of your dress. I like it. You look amazing!!
You look so beautiful! loooove so much your dress!
RispondiEliminaBeautiful dress and amazing Chanel gift!!!
RispondiEliminaCiao bella
I like your blog!
RispondiEliminaDo you want to join my photo contest? Because I have almost 100 followers:) And I'm very happy. Visit my blog for more information. Thanks.
great pics!!
RispondiEliminathe clutch is perfect <3
xoxo Sienna
you look so beautiful!
RispondiEliminaI love your dress!!!
looks like you had an owesome moment I love your dress :)
RispondiEliminame enamore de ese vestido!!te queda hermoso!!
RispondiEliminaya te sigo,te espero en el mio!!!
Your dress is amazing!!
RispondiEliminaOf course I love your chanel accesiories!
Adrien Loren
Hi darling! Thanks for your lovely comment in my blog. I love your dress! A kiss :)
Super! I love your dress!
RispondiEliminaIt's amazing:)Beautiful pictures:)
Follow me;)
Great outfit:)
RispondiEliminaI love your bag:)
Kiss from Poland!:)
Follow me:
Magnific pictures and blog!! Excellent!!
RispondiEliminaSalut, Francesc
I'm not argue. I was just really curious that you read other blogs. And i was curious why do you visit more new blogs just to comment once i invite on your, "quite" popular? ( no jealous, just curious ). I'm sorry if you understand it wrong, i don't meant to be rude and argue with you. I just was curious ( i know, i like know some thinks ;) ) how many blogs you actually visit and comment back. That's all.
RispondiEliminaAnd I was quite surprised that you comment my blog for the first time, ale a little disappointed that you never came back, but i regular read your's and i was and still I'm impressed by your fashion style, blog and journey.
I wanted to write this, because i don't like misunderstandings.
Btw. lovely dress! I've always wanted one just like this.
You have a perfect body for this dress. Amazing look
RispondiEliminaI think the blue dress compliments your tan!
RispondiEliminawow, this sounds like such an amazing trip! what made you want to go? I've been longing for a chanel for soooo long now! It's gorgeous!xxxx
I love the outfit, this event had in Lisbon too.
RispondiEliminaKiss <3
Bellissimo!! Lovely you dress!! So cute
RispondiEliminaWow, love your dress! Its amazing! You look very pretty. I like your blog, hope you can read mine too! Kisses from Perú,
I love the color of your dress! Your hair is so cute (:
RispondiEliminabellissime foto!!!!!!!!!kiss
che belle foto!!
RispondiEliminapeccato che non i siamo incontrate...
un bacio. elena :)
lovely shoes!
RispondiEliminaGreat pictures, love your dress!
RispondiEliminaLaura x
you look so cute
RispondiEliminacheck out my blog : )
Rome sounds good!
RispondiEliminaLove your dress :)
Teenage Daydreams X
Amazing event!!!And funny pictures!! I imagine you spent a great time in!!
RispondiEliminaThank you for visiting my blog!
Davvero delizioso questo abbinamento! (:
fantastic look :)
RispondiEliminaVery nice blog you have ... I like. As you wish, we can observe...
RispondiEliminaYou look beautiful! VFNO Rome looked like it was marvelous. :) x
RispondiEliminathe pictures are great and you look beautiful :)
RispondiEliminafirst time on your blog and i love it..
check out my blog if you want:
I love your dress so amazing. :)
RispondiEliminaLove S.
Check out our Blog
lovely dress - the colour really suits you! and the cake - wow!
RispondiEliminathank you! ♥
RispondiEliminai loved the photos, you look great! your dress is really cute (:
love your dress, great style!
thank you for the comment :) if you want we can follow each other, i'am waiting for you :)
RispondiEliminayou look amazing in blue !
RispondiEliminagreat shose ! :)
RispondiEliminaGreat outfit!
RispondiEliminayou look so good :)
nice dress
Lovely color for a dress, and the headband is so pretty, so Blair!
you look amazing ^^
thank you for your comment : ) i see that you've been to my hometown, san francisco. how'd ya like it?
RispondiElimina<3 theseunitedstatesofamericans
you´re sooo pretty,love your dresses,borrow me?hahaha kidding
RispondiEliminaxoxo emma
I love the color of ur little dress (: so, how was Rome? Cant wait to see the photos..
Headband is so adorable!
RispondiEliminaLove your shoes...
You are so pretty ;)
I was also in vfno madrid!
RispondiEliminaYou look beautiful!
I love your blog, I'll follow from now!
thanks for your comment on my blog.
a kiss
Bellissimo post!!!! Anche io avrei dovuto partecipare all'evento ma non ho potuto :( Sarà per il prossimo anno. Un bacio, Serena
Love the Herve Leger feel of your dress! & your clutch is so stunning.
RispondiEliminaThe color, the cut, the fit of that blue dress is fantastic on you! You bring it life!
RispondiEliminaPS - I love your gorgeous hair :)
Dirty Pink Cardigan
such a fashion adoring post!! Love the new clutch on you. You can wear it with a variety of clothes!! Lucky you!! Can't wait to see more of it!!
U r so qt and beaty girl, but I've told u it already. This blue dress is so great, u look awesome!!! Wonderfull <3
RispondiEliminaYou are beautiful, thanks for following and your blog rocks!
Thank you for your comment! I'm already a follower, love your blog ;)
RispondiEliminaWhat an amazing experience!!!!
Bellissimo outfit! La clutch è splendida!
guapa! me encanta tu vestido!
RispondiEliminayou looks so pretty, i will follow you ♥
you look gorgeous!
RispondiEliminathanks for stopping by! I'm following!
that colour looks gorgeous on you! amazing chanel gift too!
RispondiEliminabeautiful outfit! will follow u! x
RispondiEliminaBeautiful picture, and great leather coat. I love the studded shoulders, such a cool, edgy detail. Enjoy LA!
RispondiEliminagreat dress ;) you look like a princess in these all boutiques ;)
RispondiEliminaI like the blue dress, is much more beautiful, as well as sandals and headband!!!:*
RispondiEliminasexy dress and blue looks great on you!!
I am already a follower!!
RispondiEliminaBellissima la nuova arrivata *.*
RispondiEliminahow nice, you can tell you have a blast on fashion night out, and your looked so pretty ...
RispondiEliminanice gift for yourself ;-)
RispondiEliminayou have a great blog!!!! waiting for you visiting also mine xx
Gorgeous blue dress! Id be glad to follow you.following! I hope you'll do the same.
RispondiEliminaAwesome !! You looks so beautiful :))
Great dress !
RispondiEliminaThanks for your lovely comment dear.
We love your blog and so we follow it now !
Will you follow ours ? We hope so !
Loves & kisses
That dress color is stunning! Your trip to Rome looked amazing. I'm jealous!
I was jealous .. hehehe
RispondiEliminaI loved the dress ... LOVE THE COLOR!! :)
Beautiful .....
*.^ XX
I'm so jealous! I just wisited Rome but apparently in wrong time :-D Rome was beautiful though but the FNO in Rome.. Lucky You! :-)
RispondiEliminaI like your blog!
Hey dear! I really like your blue dress! Looks nice ;)
RispondiEliminaFollow each other? :)
For all my photo of Rome Vogue Fashion night Out GO to http://poldine.blogspot.com/
RispondiEliminaSquisito il blog,tu e il tuo stile
Baci Marco
following you now !
RispondiEliminathe chanel clutch was a great choice as a gift for yourself, love it !
new post : my trip to portugal
that blue is killer on you! xo
RispondiEliminaLe scarpe sono bellissime! E abitno, anche :) Ma, questa torta mi l'ha ocuppato di piu :)
You looks pretty i love this blue dress and the shoes too <3<3<3<3
RispondiEliminaLove the clutch and the dress!! :D
Bellissime le tue foto!
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