
lunedì, agosto 17, 2015

So you say you wanna get away, we don't need a plane
We'll be your escape, take you to a place where there is no time, no space
I could be your private island on a different planet, anything could happen
Listen to the waves, let them wash away your pain
I could be your fantasy, I could be your fantasy
Underneath the palm trees you could leave your worries; listen to the waves
Sure you wanna get so high? Breath me in like air tonight; listen to the waves
I could be your fantasy
So you say you wanna get so high? Breath me in like air tonight
Let yourself unwind, get lost in the garden of my mind
I could be your private island underneath the palm trees you could leave your worries
Listen to the waves, let them wash away your pain
I could be your fantasy, I could be your fantasy
Underneath the palm trees you could leave your worries, listen to the waves
Sure you wanna get so high? Breath me in like air tonight, listen to the waves

Così dici che vuoi andare via, non abbiamo bisogno di un aereo
Noi saremo la tua salvezza, andremo in un posto senza tempo, senza spazio
Potrei essere tua isola privata su un altro pianeta, tutto può succedere
Ascolta le onde, lasciale lavare via il tuo dolore
Potrei essere la tua fantasia, potrei essere la tua fantasia
Puoi lasciare le tue preoccupazioni sotto le palme; ascolta le onde
Certo si desidera ottenere così in alto? Respiro me come stasera aria; ascoltare le onde
Potrei essere tua fantasia
Così si dice che desideri arrivare così in alto? Respirami come l'aria stasera
Rilassati, perditi nel giardino della mia mente
Potrei essere la tua isola privata, puoi lasciare le tue preoccupazioni sotto le palme
Ascolta le onde, lasciarle lavare via il tuo dolore
Potrei essere la tua fantasia, potrei essere la tua fantasia
Puoi lasciare le tue preoccupazioni sotto le palme, ascoltare le onde
Certo si desidera ottenere così in alto? Respiro me come stasera l'aria, ascoltare le onde

(Fantasy - Alina Baraz)

I was wearing:
4you jewels bracelet
Fendi bag
Us. Polo Assn. sandals

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26 commenti

  1. Fantastic outfit and I love that cute bracelet! I have one on my blog too today :)

  2. Gorgeous set, love the pattern!

    Have a great start of the week :)

  3. you are so right! love the set!so summery!

  4. favoloso questo look!

  5. Delizioso questo completino, buona giornata Fabry

  6. Very cute and interesting outfit! I could never pull this off but you did it perfectly. :)

  7. So beautiful outfit dear!!! I love that star bracelet!!


  8. u look fab, love the shorts top combo

  9. Looking supercute!

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  17. you look fantastic in that outfit. I'm impressed with the combination. Thanks for sharing this post with us. I liked it.

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  20. What an adorable and captivating outfit! I don't think I could ever pull it off, but you've done it flawlessly. :) Visit


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