11st of December on Ripani
16th of November on Stampaprint
5th of November, colori, fotografia e moda: ecco le fashion blogger
8th of July, Your next Shoes top 10 jewelry blogger:
3rd of July on Retenews24:
On Ninjamarketing June 2014:
On Magicosconto, June 2014:
On Style Papers, June 2013 issue:
On Tu Donna, 16th of May 2013:
On Fajour, 6th of May 2013:
On Wonkoo, 6th of May 2013:
Cosa mi compro???, Pocket Napoli April 2013:
Corriere del Mezzogiorno, 9th of April 2013:
OVS style notes, 23rd of January 2013:
On Buongiorno Regione, RAI3, 22nd of January 2013:
Bella Magazine, January issue (pages 15, 16):
On Pocket Napoli, December 2012 issue (page 76-77):
L'Espresso Napoletano, December 2012 issue:
My interview on Il corriere del Mezzogiorno, 13th of December 2012:
On Woonko, December 2012:
AZ magazine, November issue:
She got her own, 1st December 2012:
Freedom Magazine, October 2012 issue, page1 page2 :
Mimi Boutique Blog, 19th of September 2012:
Mode Magazine, 14th of September 2012:
Mimi Boutique Blog, 13th of September 2012:
I'M Magazine, September 2012 issue:
On That's mine! blog, 3rd of September 2012:
Mi-ny facebook page, 25th July 2012:
Nadka facebook page, 13th July 2012:
"Mode dhe Make Up" facebook page, 10th July 2012:
Trendencias, 10 July 2012:
House of Luxe - Philipphines facebook page, 04th July 2012:
House of Luxe - Philipphines facebook page, 04th July 2012:
La moda, ke ossessione........., 02nd July 2012:
La moda, ke ossessione........., 27th June 2012:
Cosa mi metto??? party on IL ROMA, June 20th 2012:
The make up delight flower, June 13th 2012:
Me on Luckylu Milano facebook page, 11th June 2012:
Me on Luckylu, June 11th 2012:
Me on La moda, ke ossessione..........., June 6th 2012:
Me on Luckylu, June 6th 2012:
Me on Luckylu Milano facebook page, 5th June 2012:
Me on Smiling Style, June 4th 2012:
Me on Beauty of the World, 3rd June 2012:
Me on the profile picture of Bertolasi creazioni on facebook, and on their album, May 2012:
Little Miss Twiggy: 7 things that made me smile this week, 25th May 2012:
I am magazine, Ferragamo Cocktail party, May 2012:
The world of fashion, 16th May 2012:
Chimera, fashion meow, 23th April 2012:
Ax Paris facebook page, 16 April 2012:
Chimera, fashion meow, 8th April 2012:
Me and Luca on I'm Magazine:
Me on the canadian Fashionsign Magazine:
A trip trough the blogosphere, by Ana Paula Xavier, 5th March 2012:
Pinspire, 02nd March 2012:
BenMODA, most read article of the day, 2nd March 2012:
Lotus Mendes, 25th of February 2012:
Me on Valentina Cervo's invite for the Milan Fashion Week:
I was portrayed by Francisco Javier Guerra in this painting, 23th February 2012:

23th February 2012, my look was awarded on Chicisimo with the MilanoModaDonnaFW flower:
AZ Magazine, February 2012:
Parliamo di Moda: 17th February 2012:
Parliamo di Moda: 16th February 2012:
Parliamo di Moda: 15th February 2012:
No more fashion victims:
MODA, 13th February 2012:
Noi fashion victim, 6th February 2012:
MODA, 6th February 2012:
Noi Fahion Victim, 25th January 2012:
Noi Fashion Victim, 20th January 2012:
Zeleb blog:
leggi l'intero articolo qui.
Recommended from look 10.
Consigliata da look 10.
Tra le bloggers premiate qui e qui.
Portrayed on Knickerless doodles:
On the TRENDS F/W 11/12 by LOSAWAY

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